Friday, November 11, 2005

RevGal Friday Five

1) Apple Pie -- I prefer apple dumplings to apple pie, but the apples must be tart and both must be warm and buried under vanilla bean ice cream

2) Cherry Pie -- not too crazy about cherry pie, but again the cherries must be sour/tart. I prefer a pie called "bumbleberry", which is a mixed berry pie, heavy on the raspberries.

3) Pumpkin Pie -- a holiday favorite, best enjoyed with whipped topping made from scratch like grandma used to make. My partner likes to use real pumpkin, not that canned stuff.

4) Chocolate Cream Pie -- only if dark chocolate. Would compromise if it was mint chocolate though.

5) Pecan Pie -- mmm, yumm :-)

Bonus Question: Do you have a favorite kind of pie not on this admittedly short list?

When I was a child, a local restaurant (long closed) had a peanut butter cream pie that had a great, firm peanut butter cream texture with chopped peanuts throughout. I have tried other peanut butter pies over the last 20 years or so, and I am almost always dissapointed.

I probably shouldn't have used a Friday Five to return to the Blog World, but I am at work and I can't imbed links for some reason.

I will write more later.


Anonymous said...

welcome back :)

RevGals meme on pies - a great comeback :)

erm ...

wondering if bumbleberry is like the Finnish kuningatar (queenberry) which is blueberries and raspberries (could have logenberries in too I think)

whatever it sounds lovely :)

Unknown said...

Well, however you have returned, welcome!

Unknown said...

I had a great time last night worshipping with the new church start renting our church basement. I'm looking forward to hearing more about yours.

JoKeR said...

Mary Macs in Atlanta has had a terrific peanut butter custard or pudding or something. It was Presidential Pudding while Carter was president, then became Carter Custard after he was out of office. They may have changed the name again by now, but I always loved the taste.